Wednesday, January 19, 2011

reflection on old friends

some days you feel like your brain is in a jar....usually when i wake up and haven't meandered over to drink some coffee...

when you look back at things....and people you have known, it seems that the people who were kind...true friends come to that doesn't mean that you have agreed upon everything or hadn't had a heated the contrary...that was part and parcel of the melting of souls between the two...the fond thoughts that swirl thru the past...put a smile...truly upon your heart.....some friends are gone and there is an echo in our souls...but the thoughts of them alone keep those within you in the corners of your thoughts..not gone, but not forefront...those still with us...even in distance and we know they have changed...that is life...are swirls of sweet thoughts as to there place in time....the space of time that you have frozen to peruse and grasp those feelings that have no true name.....a form of love undoubtedly....and the camaraderie () and that moment in time....

that we have captured forever within ourselves...for me...i think i hold things in...or bypass them to a degree when it is sad.....and sometimes reflection, cleanses your soul and the gloom that could overcome you only last for a mere few moments and in time you relish the cool thoughts, how you honestly know that person would want you to feel and think of them...i do believe all would want to bring a smile to your lips and a grin on your heart....


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