this is a reality check nothing political.....we are going to have a $4,000 deductible on our insurance....why are we paying for health insuruance? is this some window dressing to say we provide insurance for our workers? it would be a great joke, but it is a reality and it ain't employers think our brains cease to function when we read our "health benifits"???
so if the deductible is $4,000, but we pay for the insurance, it isn't brain surgury the companies are buying cheap insurance and it reflects in the deductible and the exclusions, for dental what's a few missing teeth???...optical ...who in the world needs to see???
have you watched your health care costs climb at a rate you wish you yearly income did-this is not some insane rant-this ia a sad reality and it's has become the bane and hurtful to the American public, don't matter what party you are with....they will hose you without a thought...
so i ain't fond of the government but if you got over 50 employees, you should have insurance for them, you gotta be making money or why would you have them working for you??? there's tax breaks from what i understand for small business that do insure. i am tied of companies making us the tax-payers get stuck with the health care bill-that they should provide and weasel out of and continue to do so. maybe insurance & hospital costs are unrealistic and gouging??? seems to be profits before people-that ain't the American way and ain't Christian or Christ-like-period...
now you can't go to cobra, they are so high as to make you truly see price-fixing at it's best-and seem to want to bondage you to your job's crappy health insurance, but if you go to government insurance, not opting for work health insurance, they get tagged for $3, maybe the stock profits and ceos bonus are a tad out of line??? if companies are holding back labor, and yet have great profits and as we know less customer service-remember the last time you stood in line and could have read war & peace...if companies would offer actual health insurance coverage instead of some window dressing that is only smoke and mirrors...
and that begs the question of why is insurance so high...look at the squash that they pay out too much, it does not reflect with their's a runaway train and killing Americans and American budgets...when a child goes out of control you disclipine them...the health system, the insurance companies and as a result employers has gone on a greed run and at the cost of American lifestyles and stealing smooth out of our pocketbooks...they need to be put noit only on notice, but hammered if they truly wish to deprive Americans of health care they deserve as their employees, lets see companies can tax deduct health care....but we are barely allowed to unless it is an absurd percentage of our income and by then the hospital wants you to sign your home over to them...that's another story
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