talking today and the subject came up about looking your age and how some people look way past where the clock has struck...and i wondered if, how people age sometimes is who they are,
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 i believe truly kind people exude a beauty that transcends words and because they are truly kind…
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..time has been kind to them also, and with those who are not truly kind, even good looks can not hide the ugliness that resides within, and time has in turn not been kind..
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.i guess that hate, just so slick, self-loathing, nastiness and foulness of spirit seems to rise to the surface, cutting thru whatever mask one may wear,

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never at peace with themselves or the world and so alone,
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 the bitterness seems to manifest itself physically....
and many times they devour themselves with their own flaws they think they see in others...
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truly you can run but you can't hide and who you are comes to the surface....and those who are truly kind, do have a light that shines from them, ever so subtle,
 but so powerful, that we see true strength can come from kindness and compassion, for that is the hard path to take.....and yet the joy is two-fold not only for you but for those around you