Many simple things get lost in our own confusion…..
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A psychology professor of a Missouri State University told associated press years back that he had developed a method for improving memory and told the reporter how he could recall, say, that a particular painting done by Degas in 1865.First, think of an object that sounds like “Degas”
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(day-GAH), for example, ‘dagger’ AND Then memorize the last two digits of the year by learning the sentence “Twin new moons rise low, just clearing four saplings”, in which the first word begins with a “T” and stands for “1”,the second, N, stands for “2”, and so on
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.Thus, 1865 becomes “65”
, which becomes “just “low” which could translate to J-L, which could mean “jelly” which would produce a “jelly dagger” with that the subject tries to find a resemblance, somewhere in the Degas painting.Simple as that.
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The above is true… is stranger than fiction~!!!~
And when we complicate the simple…..We lose the beauty of the simplicity…..That would have enhanced our lives…..
But, we must try, try again…..